Welcome to OsteopathyBC

British Columbia’s professional body for Osteopathic Practitioners

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OsteopathyBC Anniversary 2005-2025 Logo

There are two types of osteopathy recognized internationally: osteopathic medicine practised by osteopathic physicians and surgeons; and the manual practice of osteopathy practised by osteopaths. Canada is one of a few countries worldwide in which both practices of osteopathy are represented across the provinces and territories. Currently, osteopathic medicine practised by osteopathic physicians and surgeons falls under the legislation and licensure of the provincial Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons. Individual professional associations, such as OsteopathyBC, represent qualified osteopaths across Canada. OsteopathyBC maintains membership in the Osteopathic International Alliance (OIA), whose purpose is to advance the practice of both osteopathic medicine and osteopathy throughout the world. OsteopathyBC is also a member of the Canadian Federation of Osteopaths (CFO), which represents provincial and territorial associations nationally. In B.C. members of OsteopathyBC use the title Osteopathic Practitioner.